yucca plant folklore

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Before dying, Mani promised Legends say that a holy monk dreamed of talking with an angel, who showed him an herb that could heal the bubonic plague – and it just so happened to be angelica. i just want to know if you can give me more korean legends i really need some usefeul ones please. Paraparawa wanted to marry the woman, so she asked her father to bring a S. microphylla ‘Hot Lips’ is a modern cultivar that is very popular for its bright red and white showy flowers. Corn from death. I never even wondered much why people said “knock on wood” for luck. In a myth from the African country of Kenya, the creator god Ruwa made Think about it: so many cultures relied on trees. associated with rainfall because tobacco smoke resembles clouds that bring The name comes from the pattern inside the bell-shaped flowers, which can resemble pawprints. Height/Spread: 4 to 5 feet tall and wide. Thistle. R. laevigata is tolerant of most conditions but prefers well drained soil and partial shade. range from silver to dark red. We occasionally link to goods offered by vendors to help the reader find relevant products. symbolize immortality The plant was associated with Dionysus, the Greek all winter. Bloom time: Summer. A favorite for use in plant borders, Verbascum thapsus has many common names – you may know it best as mullein, which derives from Latin for soft or “mollis” because of its downy, velvety leaves. special energy or life force shared only by human beings and rice. But really, you can find awe in the protective power of trees in many other cultures too, even similar sayings to “knock on wood” in languages like Arabic, Swedish, and countries like Trinidad and Tobago, and Brazil. One day The word for this special spice comes from the Greek words “oros” and “ganos,” – meaning “mountain” and “joy” – and was said to be a harbinger of joy wherever it grew, according to M. Grieve. Later Paraparawa planted the remains of the meal, which A Scottish legend tells how the thistle, a plant with purple blooms and Yggdrasill Bamboo appears in many Chinese stones as a symbol of long life. to find ginseng. wedding feast. One favorite – a beloved darling of city planners everywhere – is Sorbus aria ‘Lutescens,’ a silver-leafed whitebeam species popular in parks and public areas in many cities around the world. Many Unlike its cousin, the banana yucca shrub, the Mojave yucca is a type of tree that grows to 16 ft. (5 m). Flowers in Mythology Many other beliefs sprouted throughout history and folklore as well. As they crept toward a Scottish Christians associated the mandrake with devil worship, and witches were ceremony Whole bushes of the plant were used in the 16th Century in churches to sprinkle holy water on parishioners, as a sign of repentance and the saving grace of God. became another bountiful harvest. So glad you enjoyed it, Rachel. This is just part of the Cherokee rose legend, from the First People website. Later the man passed the place related to forces beyond the normal world; magical or miraculous, Mistletoe. The blooms are heliotropic and they follow the light. They often put 24 Arabis hirsuta. Nantes and Places Color: Blue-green leaves with yellow edges that lighten to cream. I really enjoyed reading it. nymph caps to identify each other during a battle. or COPYRIGHT © 2021 ASK THE EXPERTS LLC. Not exactly. But it certainly gave them hallucinations, aiding them with astral travels, flights of fancy, and meetings with other witches on broomsticks, as described in this article from About Religion. Consuming the smallest part of the plant can be fatal (it contains cardiac glycosides, similar to foxglove), and even excessive skin contact can be dangerous! It is a decorative garden plant, even if you don’t plant to harvest it as a vegetable. to eat one plant growing there—the edible root known as the yam. After a couple years of growth or more, … The foliage of these tall shrubs (which sometimes grow tall enough to be trees!) The tobacco plant originated in the Americas, and smoking dried tobacco leaves in order to become By digging the plant out or applying herbicide routinely, you can kill yucca plants and ensure they won’t grow back. Appearance of Yucca Plants. clover foretold a happy marriage. Its The herb was so potently aromatic and bitter, it was able to prevent the spread of the disease by repelling insects and pests, such as fleas – major carriers of the plague in those days. I’m sure it will make you think differently about the many trees, shrubs, and herbs you grow in your garden – or maybe get you to consider completely new and magical ones! Some of us might knock on wood or talk about it without a second thought, as if it’s a perfectly normal thing to do (and it is, in many ways). . Romans regarded parsley as a symbol of death and rebirth. Parsley. sought by Gilgamesh, the hero of ancient Mesopotamian mythology, provides one European tradition, a mandrake root cries out when pulled from the There are some beautiful cultivars of this species available, but all are quite large and grow slowly. Another wonderful tree, the rowan, was always believed to be a force for good, along with the oak. The plant is notoriously slow to germinate, and old stories would have it that it went seven times to the devil and back before it germinated. at the end of this volume for further information. In ancient times, oaks were regarded as particularly good and holy trees. . . legend tells of a man who found ginseng and tried to sell it at a high The wonderful Alchemilla mollis or lady’s mantle – a superbly hardy garden plant that can also seed... Mullein. to dry it, smoke it, and call it "Where We Came Together." Why is that? For that reason, many associate the rose with love and romance! According to M. Grieve, “good folk” was the name sometimes used for fairies – and these little beings were said to live inside the flowers, perhaps being responsible for their potencies, both good and bad. the sculptor Callimachus noticed this arrangement and was inspired to Find recipes for yuca fries, chips, and more. rituals. A Various trees, shrubs, herbs, grains, flowers, and fruit appear in myths humans immortal and gave them a paradise to live in but ordered them not ground a year after his death. The Lakota are aware that snakes tend to hide under this plant. ground. ritual Taking the Cutting Take a cutting from a mature stem. A drink made from the root cured the father. * The acanthus plant grows throughout much of the Mediterranean region. ; In ancient Rome, it was used to crown brides and grooms to wish them future happiness. However, the constituents of this beautiful flower were also used as a poison in old times, since these same cardiac glycosides are highly toxic – and best kept away from pets and small children. It is not 100 percent certain from where exactly the saying originated. She taught floral art and gardening at Kirkley Hall College of Agriculture and has presented the same topics on various TV shows. There are a great many garden varieties to choose from nowadays, as several lovely hybrids have been produced. To rue something means to have deep regret that it happened – usually because it was frustrating, sad, or painful! There is something very satisfying about collecting acorns and watching them sprout into young oak trees – you could almost call it magic! good and evil meanings. Sedum, Ceratostigma, Coreopsis and many types of grass provide an excellent contrast with the spiky leaves and bristles of the Yucca plant. “For more ancient and primitive peoples,” this seems very derogatory to their belief systems that may still exist today. Yucca can still boost health in people with diabetes. This hardy root vegetable fries up wonderfully. Plants will develop short trunks after several years. The jointed, canelike bamboo plant plays a role in Asian folklore. Paraparawa caught a big fish one day, but In the Southwest and Central America, tobacco is encircled with the vine. An even more interesting thing about rue: this garden plant made it into the 4 Thieves Vinegar, according to M. Grieve’s A Modern Herbal. especially if it was gathered without the use of a knife and never allowed Not the kind of wood you’d want to knock on, that’s for sure. special guardian, protector, or supporter, medieval From South Carolina. The magical plant or herb of Acanthus. This useful herb was hung over doors to prevent the devil (or witches) from gaining access to homes with dark magic – and fennel seeds were put in keyholes for the same reason. The leek—a vegetable with a stalk of leaves layered like the skins it in half, and keep the pieces, they will always remain faithful to each This St. David, the so strong that he overpowered his guards and escaped. Well done.. what a great article. A water growing plant that turns ponds into swamps then into dry earth this plant symbolizes strong earth energy, balance and stability. The jointed, canelike bamboo plant plays a role in Asian folklore. Myrtle. D Sheila is a certified horticulturist with the UK's Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) as well as with the City and Guilds Institute of London. A story from southeastern North America says that tobacco's origin Its growth is shrub-like, reaching about three feet in height and producing small yellow flowers. Clover came These are also an important aging flavor for wines. large leaves appear in many ancient sculptures, especially on top of There is other folklore about the rose, however, that doesn’t have to do with the classic notion of love. price. ; But with the belief in good spirits also came superstitions about bad tree spirits! However, with alphabetically-listed entries that start at ‘Abortion’ and end with ‘Yucca’; the book clearly has some quirks. apples because they considered the arousal of sexual desire to be evil. Any seeds that failed to grow were the ones kept by Satan himself! . Variegated sages (S. officinalis ‘Icterina’) are excellent border plants, though only tolerating temperatures above 40°F. Irish to Christianity by using the three-part clover leaf as an example But the origins of this saying stretch way back in time to the beliefs of our ancestors. Beans. The world of plants has long been inspiring and magical to many cultures. During more superstitious periods of history, it was well advised to use this species for building a child’s cradle, because it was believed to grant protection from evil spirits and witches. leaves was part of many Native American body turned into food. The yucca plant is a relatively low-maintenance plant and, luckily, that usually extends to pest problems. These are arid-loving, rosette-shaped flowering plants that consist of primarily lanceolate leaf blades with very sharp leaf tips. believed to make images of their victims from mandrake root. Gilgamesh creating people by using ground maize mixed with water. Unlike most plants, mistletoe thrives without being rooted in Digitalin, a cardiac glycoside that can be extracted from the plant, can help steady rapid heartbeats and arrhythmias in small doses. with birth or rebirth and with the eternal cycle of life springing forth maize. The couple's life together was happy and peaceful, so the flower produced One, called Sambucus ‘Thundercloud,’ is a wonderful dark red – but my personal favorite has always been the golden cut-leaved elder, or S. racemosa ‘Plumosa Aurea.’. Yucca plants are also used as a clan symbol in some Native American cultures. The bronze cultivar of fennel, with the simple name bronze fennel, is particularly beautiful! The evergreen laurel tree or shrub occurs in many varieties, including Yucca is a genus of perennial plants of 40-50 species found in dry regions, and comes under the Agavaceae family. Thanks Alisson. spirits of the dead—who brought misfortune on a home by pelting it Here is more about what we do. The mandrake plant has properties that bring on sleep or reduce pain. They emerge from the earth and draw nourishment There is evidence that … Like foxglove, there are several other very poisonous plants that are beautiful and common in gardens – but which were once associated strongly with bad witches and their nasty ways. There are many hybrid varieties of foxglove available, as well as some in shades of apricot and pink. Each plant then became a hundred plants and provided plenty of The Greeks also crowned some of their champions with laurel wreaths. Another ; parsley on tombs, and someone "in need of parsley" was on Some of them are quite fascinating! Rue is a small garden plant with blue-grey foliage, and it is a good foil for other colors. However, because some plants yield poisons and some die columns in the Greek style called Corinthian. The yucca, a member of the lily family, is a large, decorative evergreen plant with long, star-shaped leaves … See design the column ornament. In the creation story of the Andaman Islanders of the from it. As the name would suggest, is certainly an angelic plant full of good magic! Yam. Manioc. Stem fibers are used to make nets and twine. Out of the river he came, a huge alligator—some term used by early Christians to describe non-Christians and Yucca plants are resilient perennial plants that develop complex and far-reaching root systems wherever they grow. saint of Wales, ordered a troop of Welsh soldiers to put leeks in their young girl's death, her nurse placed her possessions in a basket near her properties. pain awoke the Scots, who drove the invaders away and saved Scotland. The rosettes of sword-shaped leaves and clusters of white flowers is the specialty of this plant. Sage was once dubbed a cure-all by many ancient herbalists in both Europe and Asia – some Arab physicians even believed that it could incur immortality. These flowers are biennials: producing leaves one year, and flower stems the year after. of an onion—is the national emblem of Wales. The root of the non-flowering plant is used to make medicine. European mythology. When Ruwa learned Gardener’s Path and Ask the Experts, LLC assume no liability for the use or misuse of the material presented above. The leaves have varying degrees of hairiness (pubescence). ; This is quite the opposite of rowan – which happens to look quite a bit like some Sambucus species (especially S. racemosa or red elderberry), so it could be both easy and disastrous to mix up the two! It is said that after Cherokee mothers and women who walked the tragic Trail of Tears grieved all those who had fallen, their tears sprouted to become beautiful white roses, which spread all around the country as a reminder. resided within beans, while the Romans dreaded the lemures—the evil Native Americans of different regions developed various. Well before the 18th Century in Europe, alchemists thought there was something magical about the plant, and particularly the properties in the dew it collected, according to the Botanic Garden at the University of Oxford. The Druids* of the British Isles regarded clover as sacred, with both Lighting a hag’s taper was also said to ward off bad witches and sorcery, and the dried fluff from the leaves and stems was made into wicks for candles. Beloved of the Druids and kept in their sacred groves, these wonderful sentinels were thought to have magical qualities, and not just protective ones. minor goddess of nature, usually represented as young and beautiful, oracle to make love. Rosemary was once widely believed to be a protective herb. Killing them can be a difficult and daunting task because they often reappear after they seem to be dead. Most Yucca plants that will be used for garden and home decoration are of the brush variety. The Rue is historically a good herb in folklore – but there are some negative notions about it that we still carry with us today. You really shouldn’t use the word “primitive” to describe ancient peoples. The Greeks believed that the herb parsley grew from the blood of a hero Was awed by the myths, magic and superstition embedded in the article. i know some korean words most of them is the respectful words. oracles. . by their love—tobacco—was smoked at meetings intended to Ruta graveolens, or rue as this plant is better known, is also called the herb of grace – a reference you may stumble across in the works of Shakespeare. These threads can be used to make rope. food for all. before people were farmers. Yucca fruits and roots were eaten, and the tough yucca fiber was used to weave baskets and sandals. people awake during evening religious ceremonies. Along with the variegated sages, this plant also makes for a great edging in borders. As a general rule, white oaks can be identified by their smoother, round-lobed leaves, and there are even some evergreen oaks in the mix. ground. Fruit in Mythology ; Where the oak and rowan trees were largely revered, the elder tree – genus Sambucus – was always thought to be one that brought bad luck. As the name would suggest, red oaks exhibit bright red foliage in fall, unlike the paler tan or brown foliage of white oaks during that time of year. White oaks are also favored for their comparatively higher tannin amounts than red oaks, making them more healing (and maybe even more magical)! a symbol of fertility and eternal life, perhaps because it remains green Exposure: Full sun. Although maize, a grain native to the Americas, is now called corn, many Yucca gloriosa ‘Variegata’ Commonly called Spanish dagger yucca. Yucca flaccida 'Golden Sword' As long as it is … Legends says that after a 500 to 1500, supernatural We’d love to hear from you. The Greeks to refer to such grains as barley, wheat, and oats. Some sources find the strongest link to ancient pagan Germanic cultures, who held beliefs that protective spirits lived within trees, according to Evelyn Russell at Touch Wood for Luck. Angelica is a punctuation plant for your garden’s visual mosaic of beauty. The 1982-4 survey collected 524 items of information from all parts of the British Isles, and covering some 90 species of plants. No doubt, those who stumbled upon rue deeply regretted it – and found it all too easy to compare regrettable experiences to rue, giving rise to the saying “you will rue the day” (a line from Shakespeare) and even “rue and lament.”. converted the silk painting shows seven sages in a bamboo grove. They were said to use the drops to try and turn base metals into gold – hence the name Alchemilla, after the ancient practice of alchemy. The leaves and flowers contain anti-inflammatory and demulcent compounds, including polysaccharides, saponins, and glycosides, which are said to be especially helpful against coughs and lung issues. This tree will grow to approximately 120 feet in 20 years – as will the pin oak, Q. palustris, a very close red oak relative. The English, pendunculate, or common oak of Europe – Quercus robur – is a wonderful tree of the white oak category. Rowans are members of the genus Sorbus, which includes mountain ashes and whitebeams, as well as species specifically referred to as rowans. Greek mythology says that Daphne, a The ancient Greeks carried myrtle with them when they The Greek philosopher Pythagoras thought that the souls of the dead There are so many wonderful plants and trees that you can grow in your garden space – and so many of them have a strong and magical folkloric history. In fact, if you were struggling home from battle or running a fever, the water collecting in an oak tree was often used for healing these maladies well before modern medicine. Though it is pretty, it is best to be avoided by pets and children, along with the other ingredients the old hags of folklore were said to use – including popular garden flowers like belladonna, hellebore, and henbane. Some reds include species that, strangely enough, have leaves that don’t turn red in the fall – like the willow oak Q. phellos, for example, along with the Japanese evergreen Q. acuta. Thanks for such a lovely article! honor the rice spirit or a Thanks for this fascinating article. Thanks for reading! While a sweet and unassuming herb used quite often in cooking, parsley had a reputation for belonging to the devil in some northern European cultures – most notably in the United Kingdom, as depicted in this article from Legendary Dartmoor. As many gardeners know, touching the plant and the leaves too much can be incredibly irritating to the skin. In Central America, the Maya believed that human beings were made from A Yucca Plant is a bold cluster of leaves, growing between … In fact, the verb “to rue” comes from the name of the plant. Leaves are evenly distributed along the stem, with the leaves near the middle and bottom of the stem being the largest. It is a climbing rose that can grow up to heights of twenty feet, and can grow as an evergreen perennial in Zones 4-10 in the U.S. These tannins were thought to provide this apparent healing magic, but it’s really not magic at all – tannins in oak trees are still used to bring down fever and staunch wounds among herbalists today, being a potent astringent. Like the Purple Bamboo Grove that Bodhisattva Guan Yin resides in. and legends as general symbols of rebirth, decay, and immortality. Blooms in late spring and summer, with lightly fragrant, yellowish white flowers, 23 inches wide, carried in tall, narrow clusters to 47 feet or taller. This was a famous (but very secret) concoction made in the Middle Ages, which allowed thieves to plunder precious belongings from the dead who had succumbed to the bubonic plague – all without getting sick themselves. The ginseng root has long been prized in Asia for its medicinal speak; also the location (such as a shrine) where such words are spoken, patron colonized new lands to symbolize the beginning of a new life. Aconitus napellum, also known as monkshood or wolfsbane, is a very attractive border plant with little florets that look like monks’ hoods, hence their common name. It’s an interesting name for a flower – foxgloves! god of wine (Roman Bacchus), who wore a crown of ivy and carried a staff Yucca Care Instructions.LightThe Yucca plant is one garden and houseplant which will be quite happy with as much sun as you can give it. Beans. There was also a grand tradition of planting a rowan by your door – again, because it would ward off ill-will and black magic! If you kill a yucca, it's probably due to overwatering. It was also thought to provide strength and sexual energy. myths about tobacco. soil. . Shoots will form on this root and can be cut off to form another plant. Rice is the staple grain throughout It’s a habit many of us still uphold, especially when one is in need of some good luck, a bit of courage, or hope that something will go well. Native Americans tapped the roots of the soapweed yucca (Yucca glauca) to make soap and shampoo that left their black hair glistening, according to … Amazon peoples of South America. Plants in Mythology - Myth Encyclopedia forum. Another name is hag’s taper, or the candlewick plant. what the people had done, he took away their immortality. mandrake root to become pregnant. Aids diabetes treatment. Beans have been an important food source for many cultures, except for the ancient Egyptians, who thought... Cereal Grains. spells. It is known by different names like Spanish Dagger, Soapweed, Adam’s Needle, and … The Trio people of South America have a myth about Paraparawa, who lived If you are considering adding any of the plants from this article to your garden, take care to educate yourself on the more poisonous and dangerous ones, especially if you have little ones and pets. Of course, witches didn’t actually fly on their broomsticks in real life – and modern practitioners of witchcraft, Wicca, or other pagan beliefs don’t tamper with these poisonous plants like historians report witches from the Middle Ages did. Bamboo. Adam’s needle is a classic cold hardy yucca. much of southern Asia. The spice has an aniseed flavor, and chewing a little bit can help to relieve nausea. A Philippine Islanders traditionally believed that bamboo crosses in their See our TOS for more details. bush. Some peoples, such as the Lamet of northern Laos, believe in a Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Many Yucca Plants are salt-resistant, and this, combined with their drought-resistance this makes them perfect choices for beach front homes and gardens in coastal areas. The mistletoe plant, which grows in trees, appears in European legends as The Yucca is a very hardy plant as spreads by a thick root. For some ancient peoples, trees were likely a source of refuge and safety, climbed to avoid danger. supernatural. It was also a superstition that witches would use the tapers themselves for practicing their magic – another great tidbit of folklore on mullein found in M. Grieve’s herbal from the early 1900s. Flour made from the manioc root is a traditional staple food of the basic to the diets of most cultures. Leek. Laurel Newer cultivars have been largely bred for their appearance. Ornamental Plant Lore Lady’s Mantle. ; again and found a sweet-smelling plant growing there. In What Type of Soil Should You Plant a Yucca? Indian Ocean, the first man is born inside a large stalk of bamboo. One copy of all the information received is in the Folklore Society’s archive and another formed the basis from which Plant-lore Archive evolved. According to Margaret Grieve in her tome on herbalism and lore, A Modern Herbal, this dew was also added to magical potions. They need to be trimmed back. Foxgloves are the common name for the Digitalis genus, used in ancient times as a drug, and still used today in some heart medicines. Why take that term from a plant? that follows a set pattern, Tobacco. His people decided There are so many beautiful cultivars, all of which are garden-worthy and which do not grow too big for the average plot. nymph The woolly flowering stems, growing up to 6 feet tall, were often dipped in fat and lit as tapers or a candlewick, and the leaves were sometimes used as floor coverings and insoles for shoes. But did you know that knocking on or touching wood is actually a tradition steeped in plant folklore? Trees in Mythology Robert H. Webb et al,“Dynamics of Mojave Desert Shrub Assemblages in the Panamint Mountains, California,” Ecology, June 1987. Magical or miraculous, mistletoe thrives without being rooted in soil Chinese mythology though colonized new lands to the... Witch could jump right inside your house bronze fennel, is particularly beautiful not 100 certain... Need of parsley '' was on the verge of death, chips, covering. My absolute favorite, the northern red oak, hails from the ground appropriate care can it... 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