more caucus uft twitter

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One Comment. The Mayor continues to prioritize the demands of small groups of largely wealthy constituents and only pay lip service to our city’s most vulnerable communities. One Comment. In response to Mayor De Blasio and UFT President Michael Mulgrew’s announcement of an agreement to delay in-person instruction for the 2020-2021 school year by two weeks, the MORE-UFT caucus released the following statement: Contact Tracers: Reopening Schools Will Endanger NYC Communities Again, Petition for a Full Remote Start to School Year, The Schools That UFT Members and NYC Students Deserve, Why We’re Running For Leadership of the UFT, The Schools New York City Students and Educators Deserve: Vote for MORE in the UFT elections, UFT Elections Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), MORE Officer Candidates for the 2019 UFT Election. There is like to be a subsequent shortage of paraprofessionals because many are called away to risk their lives supervising lunch or covering classes when teachers are quarantining or inevitably calling out at higher rates than past years (as recommended as one of the city’s “core four” strategies to lower risk of COVID-19 transmission). ... 1 week ago School Finance 101. According to the agreement between the UFT and the Mayor, there will be more testing for students and teachers; however, testing won’t be universal. JOIN MORE-UFT. MORE’s goal is to transform the UFT into a powerful and democratic union. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Although the unions and Mayor de Blasio hailed the deal as a cooperative victory that would ensure safety for all, MORE-UFT have already made … UNITY/UFT listened to the concerns of membership, involved them through every part of the negotiation process and fought for a contract that provides us with VOICE, SUPPORT, RESPECT and true EMPOWERMENT. Although the mayor promised a nurse in every school building, there are over 300 nurse vacancies, and with a budget crisis, nurses are being denied medical accommodations to work remotely. New York, New York: In response to Mayor De Blasio and UFT President Michael Mulgrew’s announcement of an agreement to delay in-person instruction for the 2020-2021 school year by two weeks, the MORE-UFT caucus released the following statement: We welcome a slight delay of in-person school reopening in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic, and recognize that our advocacy … Our caucus, UNITY/UFT, has advocated and fought for the safety and health of our members since our union’s inception more than 60 years ago.The past year has been a testament to that fact as UNITY/UFT fought seven days a week for our members to work in a safe environment as the pandemic devastated our nation’s health and economy.. And, because of our perseverance, our refusal … Contacts: We deliver the message and work of MORE Caucus to the public.-Reply to media requests -Write and edit public statements-Create graphics and content for social media platforms (IG, Twitter, Facebook, website)-Regularly update all social media platforms We want a union that will energize and involve rank and file members, invite them to think strategically and craft union strategy, to take initiative and to lead. Another remarked on Twitter, “My school just reopened on Jan 10th. Times of upheaval are when our rights must be most closely guarded, but instead our union leadership has indefinitely kicked the can down the road, leaving UFT members and students at the mercy of those with greater institutional power. ... (MORE) is a caucus in the UFT that is affiliated with the Chicago Teachers … This at first appears to be progress, since these teachers will not have to unnecessarily expose loved ones to a potentially deadly virus, but teachers may only take advantage of this provision “to the extent possible and as soon as practicable”, not to mention that many school-based staff members live with individuals at high risk without being their primary caregivers. Specifically, the elevated risk factors of poor or non-existent ventilation, over 5 hours in the same classroom with others, removing masks for indoor eating, and the unproven assertions that open windows alone will refresh room air 5-6 times per hour. This year, in partnership with the New Action caucus, MORE seeks to increase voter turnout as active teachers reclaim their union. As teachers we are continually enraged at the low value placed on the lives of all stakeholders in discussions of school reopening. The Mayor continues to prioritize the demands of small groups of largely wealthy constituents and only pay lip service to our city’s most vulnerable communities. Because of this resolve, we have established the MORE Caucus, which will educate, organize and mobilize the UFT membership. Our goal is to have a mobilized, active union that can effectively fight for our rights by giving all members a voice in the UFT. It is not too late to take an equitable approach to schooling during this pandemic that ensures every community member is safe and every student receives the education that they are entitled to. If we are asking people to risk catching a deadly virus (which we should not be doing), these people should be entitled to hazard pay. Coverages of remote classes rely on remote teachers to still provide asynchronous activities for their students or use activities created by Virtual Content Specialists (VCS). ABOUT MORE: The Movement of Rank-and-File Educators (MORE), is the social justice caucus of the UFT and largest force for change within the teachers union. The other provisions of this agreement are similarly, and in some cases far more, problematic: Unfortunately, this agreement and previous agreements over the past weeks and months are deeply flawed and do not address the problems our communities are facing. A deal was then made with politicians and presented as a win. Combined with the continue freeze in the grievance process, we are concerned this provision could be used to force schools to enact this dangerous, unsound blended learning plan without providing even the limited resources and staff promised by the DOE. ... Face masks, temperature checks and more. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. We sincerely hope that our union and city leadership immediately take seriously the actual needs of our students, teachers, and communities. Some UFT represented employees, including occupational and physical therapists, will now have somewhat more flexibility to complete remote work from their homes safely. However, we reject both the substance of the agreement that UFT leadership made with the Mayor as well as the process, including lack of transparency and inclusion of rank-and-file members, that produced this “deal.” Michael Mulgrew made this agreement directly with the Mayor and other union leaders without meaningful input from rank-and-file union members. Now, the UFT doesn’t have the backs of its members. This is a predictable byproduct of undemocratic decision-making on the part of our union leadership who have made clear they are willing to give up virtually anything if it means President Mulgrew can announce a deal with this administration. The #InvestInOurNewYork Act will raise $50 billion to overcome the pandemic AND ensure every NYer has access to the housing, services, and care they need. We demand an agreement that meets the real needs of our communities, most urgently fully remote instruction until January. In any fair society, no school staff would be denied the option to do their job from home during a global pandemic. Once again, the UFT leadership and Department of Education have come to an agreement that makes small nods toward reason, while leaving unanswered major questions that school staff, parents, and students have been asking for months. If @NYGovCuomo cares about Black and Brown NYers, it's time to stop posturing and #TaxTheRich. These critical service providers must once again replan their schedules in coordination with administrators and families that have already been asked to schedule and reschedule at a moments notice classes and services that students are entitled to. In contrast, rank and file teacher organizations, such as the MORE caucus, as well as a DSA-led solidarity group, had frequent meetings to discuss next steps and to plan for the possibility of the first strike of the UFT in 45 years. This agreement allows certain teachers without medical accommodations to work from home if their teaching program allows without specifying a process by which the determination of who receives a fully remote program. ... (MORE) is a caucus in the UFT that is affiliated with the Chicago Teachers … New Action Caucus / UFT and MORE Caucus, and our representatives on the UFT Executive Board wrote to the Unity Caucus controlled leadership of the UFT, asking for real demonstrations of support for an embattled Chapter Leader (Marilyn Martinez, Central Park East 1, facing trumped up 3020a charges) and an embattled school (JHS 145, District 7, threatened with closure at … The agreement leaves unsaid where the additional paraprofessionals to fill these roles will come from given the current teacher hiring catastrophe currently unravelling and whether the funding for these stipends and the per session for covering classes will come from schools’ budgets or central. These breaches are instead allowed to continue while our working conditions, and in turn our students’ learning conditions, deteriorate. Another target is the United Federation of Teachers, a nearly 200,000-member union representing teachers, social workers, secretaries and other school employees. (WTNH) — The state legislature’s Black and Puerto Rican Caucus has elected Waterbury State Representative Geraldo Reyes as their new leader. Exhibit A — Payroll Deducation Authorization Federation of Nurses, UFT Exhibit B — 1985 Memorandum of Agreement: Pension Exhibit C — 1992 Letter Agreement: Inability to Fill Positions Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Another term passes and MORE-UFT Caucus’ Health Justice Agenda for NYC Public Schools goes unread by UFT officials. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Further, these providers are still tasked with a higher workload than prior to the COVID-19 crisis, with no additional compensation or approval of this apparent contractual change. In April, almost 300 rank-and-file members filed grievances against DOE administration, citing violations of contractual provisions related to health and safety, as the DOE clearly violated health advisories from federal, state, and its own city government in allowing schools to remain open during the weeks of March 9 and March 16. Excerpts from a Brookyn HS’s Chapter Newsletter By Member Support October 21, 2020 November 21, 2020 UFT Solidarity Posts. The effect of this staffing shortage is alarming for its potential consequences on students who are entitled to support from a paraprofessional, but their school cannot find a qualified person for that role. We are glad the UFT and DOE have come to the commonsense conclusion that teachers, paraprofessionals, and other school based staff should not risk exposure to COVID-19 by commuting across the city and sitting with colleagues in poorly ventilated spaces in order to teach remotely. Views and opinions expressed by this author do not necessarily reflect the view of UFT Solidarity caucus or… Read More. ... but there is a reform caucus, MORE, which has many active DSA members.” ... published a sobering twitter thread about the US, NYC, and the virus. This is a welcome change, of course, but once again the DOE and UFT leadership are making changes only at the margins and at the last possible moment. MORE Daily Bulletin #13 Tuesday September 29, 2020, MORE Daily Bulletin #14 Wednesday September 30, 2020, The Schools That UFT Members and NYC Students Deserve, Why We’re Running For Leadership of the UFT, The Schools New York City Students and Educators Deserve: Vote for MORE in the UFT elections, UFT Elections Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), MORE Officer Candidates for the 2019 UFT Election. United Federation of Teachers President Mic… Countless UFT members who have been needlessly working in person since September 8 have been exposed and potentially exposed other members of our communities to COVID-19 for work that all parties now acknowledge could have been effectively done at home. TODAY: January General Membership Meeting 12:00-1:30 PM. Join us! While we are cautiously optimistic about this change, this is another instance in which we are left waiting for “further guidance” that we needed months ago in order to ensure the needs of all stakeholders are met. Any member of the UFT can join MORE by making a minimum monthly donation of $5 and new members will also receive a MORE T-Shirt!. A prolonged vaccine shortage could delay the reopening of New York’s schools, the head of the city’s teacher’s union reportedly warned. Another term passes and MORE-UFT Caucus’ Health Justice Agenda for NYC Public Schools goes unread by UFT officials. 7,996 Followers, 1,585 Following, 623 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from MORE UFT (@morecaucusuft) UFT members have no regular recourse when there are breaches in our contract. We are just getting started: talking school reopening, Chapter Leader and Delegate Elections, Functional Chapter Organizing, a State of the MORE Caucus discussion, and Campaign Updates! Paraprofessionals, under the new position of Paraprofessional Classroom Manager (PCM), receive high-risk duties for a stipend of $1750, including alarmingly supervising indoor lunch, during which students will be maskless. This agreement provides for chapters to call SBOs to adjust from the rigid plans forced on schools by the DOE. This agreement leves the grievance process frozen, as it has been since the onset of the pandemic in March. In fact many of the issues resulting from the mayor’s disastrous reopening process may have been prevented if as a city we started from the point that. By Annalise Knudson ... according to the Movement of Rank & File Educators (MORE-UFT), a caucus of the United Federation of Teachers (UFT). The group … Many wore red and spammed the hashtag #RedforEd across Twitter in solidarity with teachers who had to go into school despite the rising cases. Since we know that COVID-19 can linger in the air for a great deal of time, particularly in poorly ventilated spaces such as our school buildings, it is unconscionable that these staff members are being put at such a risk for a paltry premium. Remote accommodation for school-based staff who live with individuals with increased risk for complications from COVID-19 cannot be contingent on whether their school has a remote job opening. According to Liat Olenick, member of the … Our Students, Our Schools, and Our City Deserve MORE. New Action Caucus / UFT and MORE Caucus, and our representatives on the UFT Executive Board wrote to the Unity Caucus controlled leadership of the UFT, asking for real demonstrations of support for an embattled Chapter Leader (Marilyn Martinez, Central Park East 1, facing trumped up 3020a charges) and an embattled school (JHS 145, District 7, threatened with closure at … We also accept one time donations from all who want to see the NYC school system our students deserve!. This was the caucus formed by Albert Shanker that rolled all of the old, independent teacher unions in NYC into one (hence the name, “Unity”). New York City’s teacher union, the United Federation of Teachers, has been dominated by a caucus known as Unity. At the Delegate Assembly today, school chapter Leaders and delegates were forced to vote just hours after the Mayor and President Mulgrew negotiated, without seeing the language of the resolution or their school’s ventilation inspection reports, over a telephone assembly, and when, under this deal, UFT members will return to classrooms in-person September 8th. UNITY/UFT listened to the concerns of membership, involved them through every part of the negotiation process and fought for a contract that provides us with VOICE, SUPPORT, RESPECT and true EMPOWERMENT. The UNITY/UFT caucus has been the foundation of our union for over 60 years and we proudly bear the responsibility for being the majority voice. The #RedforEd campaign was largely supported by the MORE-UFT caucus of the United Federation of Teachers, an educator union which represents 200,000 New York City public schools educators. IN NEW York City, the Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE), the social justice caucus of the United Federation of Teachers (UFT), is gearing up for union elections this coming spring. Contacts: We deliver the message and work of MORE Caucus to the public.-Reply to media requests -Write and edit public statements-Create graphics and content for social media platforms (IG, Twitter, Facebook, website)-Regularly update all social media platforms United Federation of teachers, social workers, secretaries and other school employees agreement the... Do not necessarily reflect the view of UFT Solidarity Posts families and students remote instruction until January agreement! In any fair society, no school staff would be denied the option to do job! Your blog can not share Posts by email of UFT Solidarity Posts the. The 84 educators on our MORE General Meeting Call now agreement that meets the real needs our... 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