and then there's physics

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electric planes doing Indiana-Jones style short hops!) What I do have an issue with are those who are pretending to have one ideology, while very clearly having another., MS – “Why are the people who are the most alarmist about climate change opposed to nuclear energy? When you step way back is there a historical arc or a Manifest Destiny that technology and science is taking us? For marine fish, especially species at the top of the food chain, it is much worse than that. If it were ever up to Environmentalists it is because those who sat in the seats of power and responsibility did not care and would not step up. estimated that the planet was losing around 30,000 genetically distinct populations a day out of a global total of 6 to 10 billion (Science). pendantry; It is certainly the case that the use of grain for beer, poppy datura, mescal and peyote and cannabis cultivation all seem to be contemporaneous with the advent of agriculture. I followed your link and its footnote and can’t find anything that could be construed as evidence of a lie. In 1997 Hughes et al. Shellenberger wasn’t on the list as an activist (and was only there in partnership with Nordhaus). I don’t think there is a formal process for doing that. 10.1017/sus.2020.13, Graphic tweeted by Prof. Julia Steinberger with icons added …, Whoops this article got published all of a sudden! ”. Richardson et al 2001 argue that sedentary agriculture was not only impossible before the Holocene, but *mandatory* afterward. While after only 20 years as a physicist he finally took off the training wheels and published a review paper all by himself, having it accepted on September 3, 2014. I always felt that Ted wasn’t the same kind of obnoxious warrior that Mike is. E.g. The large town from two minutes is East Kilbride, population about 80,000. He sees it as a pitched battle, zero sum game, scorched earth. Publications in any form can be used as long as they are traceable and relevant to the chapter you check to review. Are you sure? On the other hand, it’s very clever. No, humans are not going to go extinct but a lot of other species might given how we are teraforming the planet. I suspect those early solar thermal plants with storage invested in something there was no market or market mechanism to extract value from storage, yet. A comment about ideologues. (2) Since Mike blocked me, I won’t read his book. Not only is it somewhat disturbing to think that we shouldn’t explicitly try to save nature, the argument is apparently also wrong. None around Arthur’s Seat I presume. If it’s still off the rails it would make an interesting counterpoint to S&L because it really did build a deserved reputation for doing it by the book. [Nuke Nut] Only nukes can solve the problem. Climate-economic research shows that the total … Any time the corporate media labels someone like Lomborg or Shellenberger a ‘hero of the environment’ alarm bells should be ringing. We are waiting on low cost storage – but no-one is going to build much of it until it is really needed, ie the commitment to W&S will come first. Lomborg did the same thing when he claimed to have been a member of Greenpeace, that he is a vegan who rides a bicycle etc. In comparing attitudes about masks between the US and S. Korea, Tonight in Seoul. Note how Lomborg didn’t raise a peep of objection when the right wing think tanks were shouting his name from the rooftops. Since there has, it doesn’t. At the end of Apocalypse Never, I ask the question of how to respond to people like Readfearn & his comrades, who are not only in the grip of an apocalyptic religion, they don't realize it's a religion! The key to success is sincerity. And get this once and for all, I do not despair about humanity, I laugh at, and in the face of, humanity. According to the comments on another climate blog, this is akin to the anti-semitisim of the early 20th century. What goes on in a person’s brain to make a claim like that? This is because natural science deals with the physical universe and with the regularities which we call “laws of nature” that are obeyed by the phenomena within that universe. A.Substances that are slightly attracted to magnetic field and do not retain their magnetic properties once the field is removed.e.g.-aluminum,antimony,copper. It’s good to see that SoD is active again. I did it myself once”, This dude is 18 months away from going QAnon to promote nuclear power, — Aaron Huertas (@aaronhuertas) July 4, 2020. Therefore in Heidelberg the physics faculty has o ered to physics beginners, since many years during the two weeks prior to the start of the rst lectures, a crash course in form of an all-day block course. Everything that’s not a Hill or a Knowe has Flow, Moss or Loch in its name. They are most easily identified by the howls of outrage and whines about censorship when their opponents contradict them. We should begin by clarifying what science can really tell us about a beginning of the universe and supernatural causation. * Vegetarianism reduces one’s emissions by less than 4 per cent I am not an anti-nuclear dogmatist, and have always thought that in UK nuclear has a role around its current 20% fo quite a while yet. Luckily shipping is a pretty small component of transport emissions. Without a medical breakthrough, it says, the total number of cases will climb to 200m-600m by spring 2021. > Of course it depends on how you define alarmism. Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered If there is no gravity then why space curved around the Earth? I’m pretty sure the triangular one is Schiehallion, famously used by Maskell to estimate the mass of the Earth from gravity measurements (deflection of a plumb-bob from vertical). Rachel M, I’m surprised that anyone following climate and energy would not’f heard of him. Create a free website or blog at, His twitter feed is hilarious, where he claims his status as an IPPC “expert reviewer”(1), and lauds Quillette as “the most important English-language magazine in the world right now “(2). “…but I opine that it is love of beer”. There doesn’t have to be a one-size-fits-all solution. In which Schellenberger claims that hurricanes don’t count as natural disasters, so increasing hurricane strength doesn’t count as an impact on natural disasters. Those who claim otherwise aere wrong. The "distance" is the answer to the question, "How far is it from this to that or between this and that?" When not trolling WUWT or whining about posting there, Ken enjoys following, "skeptics are like holocaust deniers" Caroline Lucas and the "Gay-shaded author of romantic M/M short stories and novels" Nick Thiwerspoon. It’s serious enough without exaggerating. You would have to find a reason for getting there quickly a 100 times better than taking the time to make the journey. Shellenberger has no relevant expertise in the field of population ecology or environmental science and really needs to stay in his lane. Thanks for the heads-up on your Twitter post, Ken. The future of the power grid: At the end of the day, what ultimately matters is how much we emit in total. It is a slick move alright – for bolstering his ego and bank balance. NG should have been BG, Brandon Gates He was roundly criticised on Twitter by Richard Betts, and others. Second, and more importantly, the IUCN lists may species whose populations are in free-fall as being of ‘least concern’. It was a slick attempt at public relations, a veiled means of conveying to readers that Lomborg was interested in debate and dialogue with his critics. Mathematics is then not a science but a language by which the observations of the universe can be addressed. You should watch a few of his very well argued TED talks. My fall back position is if we do have a climate/environmental crisis then science will use technology to geoengineer the antidote. The Tropical Cyclone is, by itself, not a natural disaster. Objects don't have a color, they give off light that appears to bea color. Posted on December 27, 2020 by...and Then There's Physics. In that respect he is correct.”. And the potential for inaction in that incompatible combination, a difficult and unpopular fix for a problem you don’t think is serious – by everyone else apart from Environmentalists – looks stark to me. Someone at the IPCC could have asked him to be an “expert” reviewer. TE, “REINTRODUCING WIND POWER TO LARGE CONTAINER SHIPS Therefore, n (A ∩ B) = 0 ∴ … I may be mistaken, but I don’t think anyone is “invited” to be an IPCC reviewer. Something like that. I found a 360° on YouTube: Eaglesham…Ballageich Hill 360 view. I think that there are certain ideologues who use each of those approaches, but I don’t think they are mutually exclusive categories. You’re easily pleased then. What was slightly more amusing was the article itself, which Michael chose to frame as an apology, on behalf of environmentalists, for the climate scare. See, you don’t have to put them in the middle of nowhere. Or European lions, cave bears and aurochs. After praising Zeke for his response, I then made the mistake of reading Michael’s response to Zeke – and at this point I just hope that Zeke just simply stops where he’s at. More flexibility, more competition. In physics, work is the energy ... For example, when a ball is held above the ground and then dropped, the work done by the gravitational force on the ball as it falls is equal to the weight of the ball (a force) multiplied by the distance to the ground (a displacement). He doesn’t. At that point, between 1.4m and 3.7m people will have died., — Dustin Stringer AAMS (@dmstringer11) July 1, 2020. He recently suggested that POMO weakened our herd immunity to combat objective untruths. ESA/NASA/JPL-Caltech. I was aware that he had left. Shellenberger did leave the Breakthrough Institute a few years ago, though. There are literally thousands of other species that are declining at an alarming rate which are still regarded by the IUCN as ‘safe’. (4) Since Mike has been 0.5 out of 10 in the main claims he himself has chosen (v. mt’s tweet) I won’t waste my time with another “but nukes” screed. Lomborg did it in TSE, and Shellenberger repeats the exercise in AN. To everyone, that is, except the astronomers, astrophysicists, and cosmologists, who can take the distinctions very seriously. Oh and that 1st comment definitely needed some more tuning, a bit rushed, doing other things at that time. Victim-hood plays well with the home crowd. What changed in the Holocene was first the development of agriculture. Mostly Gas and Nuclear. … AP Physics 1. It may not be that it’s then automatically accepted, but the bar is – I think – fairly low. The study of physics is the study of the universe—and more specifically, just how the hell the universe works. Must have been parky judging by the snow on them! I am a major critic of the IUCN for two major reasons. What I find more depressing is how people are simply buying his claim that he’s essentially a reformed alarmist, when it’s obvious that he’s never been any such thing. I read his Forbes letter, and despite its brevity manages to cram in Gish Galloping, straw people, irrelevancies, misleading statements, and outright lies. Mike, They may also engage with the arguments their opponents put forward, but are much more tightly focused on counterpoints that will resonate with their fellow travellers, irrespective of the validity of such points in the wider debate. There are, of course, far more than these problems facing modern physics, but Smolin was highlighting the big ones, which include: Combine general relativity and quantum theory into a single theory that can claim to be the complete theory of nature (“quantum gravity,” “grand unified theory,” or the “theory of everything”). I think SoD has always been “sceptical” in the true sense of the word. Yes, how else would you decide whether to read a book, or not. Presuming he’s leading with his best arguments leads me to believe it will be even less underwhelming, and thus wildly popular. Solar Cell. Thing is, Willard, all those centrist fascists who voted Trump didn’t really want to. It was always more about ‘him’ and his ‘image’ as the slayer of environmental myths. Then, one day, nearly 10 years later, there it was: Stanley’s Cream Cheese Pie, printed out in the Sunday edition of the New York Times. Or the moa. To which the punch line is , “those that think there are two sorts of people in the World, and those that know it’s more complicated than that.”. ;o). C-. It turns out YouGov is also perhaps alarmist about alarmism. Engineering Physics Viva …..And Then There Is Physics. He main actual expertise seems to be in self aggrandisment and faux victimhood. On a more sombre note, it was the PETM disruption which opened up the evolutionary niches for primate diversification. Across the biosphere the abundance of well-studied taxa has decreased by around 60% for well-studied taxa of plants and animals over the past 50 years (Dirzo et al., 2014, Science). ”. Perhaps Richardson’s idea that food crops would not have been cultivated in an unstable climate because they would not have provided nutrition, needs to consider human drives to obtain certain plant products for reasons other than calories. The basic argument is essentially that we didn’t save the whales, we simply stopped needing them. Asking for a friend. His big talk amounts to profoundly minor adjustments in ongoing programs, but nothing that rocks the neoliberal boat. Don’t be surprised if he ends up as a keynote speaker at Heartland workshops and at other think tanks. “They are explicitly promoting climate delay. Then there is the issue of proliferation. The first claim is hard to verify, the second claim is obviously false, so all we got left is what I take to be a truism. Speaking of Apocalypse (ok, it’s a lame pretence to being on topic, I know), the ever- excellent Science of Doom is active again, perhaps making the most of being locked down. It only takes a minute to sign up. Citing claims from a hugely conservative body like the IUCN is profoundly misleading. I said ‘might’ because we aspire to control the planet’s biologic destiny with genetic engineering. That was parky too, early to get it ready for the tourist season. Username and password will be specific to each expert and may not be shared. Yes, I did make the Lomborg assocation in a Tweet. @-W Tom Dayton accuses him of misleading statements and outright lies. On other note, when Shellenberger’s article was removed by Forbes, it was defended by WUWT, the GWPF, and Marc Morano (to name but a few name). There are a huge number of qualified ecologists out there who argue that the loss of 60% genetic variability over the past 50 years of well-studied taxa and a rapid rise in the number of species listed by even a conservative body as the IUCN as being ‘vulnerable’, ‘endangered’ or ‘critically endangered’ constitutes a major crisis. Choosing Alternative Medicine To Treat Cancer Is Deadly, Reproducibility of high resolution reconstruction – one year on, So near and yet not quite…, 73. West continues to rape the rest of the world: News at 11:00. The rest of the world is building reactors as we TALK about building reactors … I can’t judge a book by its author? No doubt someone will scream the answer. It’s normal for people to have opinions about cheesy rhetoric. At least there is no evidence at all to suggest he was. It is locally common but only in habitat fragments. The goal of physics is to use the results of these experiments to formulate scientific laws, usually expressed in the language of mathematics, which can then be used to predict other phenomena. Alton Brown And Then There Was One February 9, 2012 • Physics 5, s21 Interactions between primordial photons and axions may be why the accepted model of nucleosynthesis overestimates the abundance of the isotope lithium- 7 . What a very depressing thread (apart from Zeke), partisan sniping and very little in the way of substantive argument. 52 votes, 12 comments. Away from massive centralized, single point of failure power plants and towards global decentralized micro and nano grids. I don’t pretend to know the answer as to which trip harms the climate more. They are effectively saying that anyone who promotes BAU under neoliberal capitalism with a few tweaked caveats is their kind of person and deserves accolades. Consider, for example: Parents who refuse to vaccinate create disease epidemics that harm children, including their own; School programs that teach children to “just say no” to alcohol and drugs backfire by undermining the distinction between use and abuse; Universities that encourage “trigger warnings” to protect supposedly fragile students may make them more fragile and vulnerable to anxiety and depression; Nations fearing the dangers of nuclear power turn to energy sources that result in premature deaths from air pollution; Efforts to prevent nations like North Korea and Iran from getting nuclear weapons have given those nations greater motivation to acquire one. (This is not the final definition.) And since I have no idea what position you hold, you should keep your “strawperson!” to yourself. There Are Hall of Famers, and Then There’s Hank Aaron. AP Physics 1 is an introductory, algebra-based, college-level physics course. It is odd, however, that all the actual fascists still do want to vote Trump and aren’t afraid to say so. Anyone who knows what influential politicians and planners like Henry Kissinger, George Kennan and others have said and written over the past 70 years would realize that developed nations promote policies of plunder by which a disparity of wealth between the north and south is deliberately maintained. Might also be worth reading the “hero of the environment” article, which was awarded to them partly because of an essay called “The Death of Environmentalism”. In return, please note that either you despair about humanity or you defer to its technological triumphs by dropping links. But the end is not due to these except as the matter, nor will it come to exist because of them. It is listed as ‘least concern’ by the IUCN. I and 5 other scientists factcheck @ShellenbergerMD:, — Zeke Hausfather (@hausfath) July 6, 2020. Its other nickname was The Windy City, for obvious reasons. Devices like giant towing kites, vertical suction wings, and telescoping masts are well underway, while canvas sails flutter once more on smaller vessels. There was no 'then' where there was no time." A fully loaded freight plane can average 560 nautical miles per hour and travel 4.5 miles per gallon of fuel per ton of cargo. Sooner or later we’ll have to talk about reactionary centrists: Taking a political position is a cheap form of political action. Instead, it increased by 73% over that time. ( Log Out /  Pure FUD in my opinion. It about getting CONTROL over the society.”. There are doers and then there are thinkers. Sadly, it works. Nicely bookended (not) by us de-diversifying our primate cousins if not, so far, ourselves. Many more studies show precipitous declines in the abundance of amphibians, birds, mammals, fish, insects and other vertebrate and invertebrate groups. Makes me wonder if he’s actually listened to any of Shellenberger’s interviews. Global Sustainability 3, e17, 1–5. BUT since Santa doesn't (appear) to handle the Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Buddhist children, that reduces the workload to 15% of the total - 378 million according to Population Reference Bureau. Marston noticed ten little china figures sitting on the table, looking quite harmless but odd. Learn how your comment data is processed. In his so-called apology, he starts off by railing on about all of the progressive things he did over 20 years ago. Of coirse he is. As I wrote yesterday, Shellenberger’s descent to the dark side is now complete. He actually embraced it. Frankly, the faster diesel-powered shipping goes away through almost any means, the better. “… the Ecomodernist Manifesto, which Eli dissects quite nicely here, …”? He has not got a clue what he is talking about, but then again neither does Lomborg. The weirdest idea in quantum physics is catching on: There may be endless worlds with countless versions of you. The 1st law in Newton`s principia are now understood as two statements: the determination of inertial frame reference (if F=0 then a=0 and if F is not equal 0 then there … Or ground sloths. The Government may lose a vote on Huawei despite an 80 seat majority. Environmentalists? Suppose that solution means we have to electrify transport and heating. There’s a 2007 book called Break Through: From the Death of Environmentalism to the Politics of Possibility., — Cholsoon Jang (@cholsoon_jang) July 5, 2020, "you might also like" Moreover, extinction is not only based on species loss but on the loss of genetic variation within populations. Not that that matters to me (I’m retired), but friends and family are more active then . Specifically, the bet is Between 2021 and the end of 2030, annual fossil fuel … There’s even a recent paper on the origin and evolution of post-environmentalism that focuses on the Breakthrough Insitute, formed by Shellenberger and Nordhaus in 2003. This doesn’t mean wind or solar will be the dominate source of energy in 50 or 100 years but what ever it is will be small, distributed and nearly pollution free. Pretty much everywhere has registered cases (Turkmenistan and North Korea have not, though, like Antarctica). A culture war seems to be pretty much what he’s going for. I agree that climate change is a problem that needs a solution. A lot of species are going extinct as a direct result of our failure to control our own explosive expansion into their domains. @-CB – * We should want cities, farms, and power plants to have higher, not lower, power densities ATTP, people buy into this because they want to buy into it. Essays, musings & missives - concerning science, art & society, Environmental research snippets from Scotland, A New Zealander living in Scotland who loves cargo bikes, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Rochester Institute of Technology, Reflections on the refractory problems of climate and energy. I've been dealing with a rambunctious post-childcare toddler all evening. The problem is that the harm is not necessarily just instantaneous but there are temporal legacies. I stopped listening to the Heartland Institute podcast when Shellenberger thanked them for what they were doing. One commenter Jack Peterson claims that extinction rates are only marginally above natural background extinction rates. Perhaps when I get bored I’ll look for all the 666’s! I think it was likely to do quite well irrespective of the responses. Hanging in there. Setting aside the inequality and security issues of nuclear power, what does technology want? Be sure to check out this recently posted Climate Feedback review…: Just the exponential growth of ocean dead zones and deadly algae blooms due to radical changes in the chemical composition of aquatic habitats is proof enough to see the trouble ahead. Do nothing is not an option, but it is if you abandon really big batteries. You probably shouldn’t look but Ross Clark has a Spectator article suggesting that Forbes deleting Shellenberger’s article is the beginning of the next culture war. These … But I suspect it’s like the Caithness Flow Country (which also has a lot of turbines). I am working with colleagues on developing ways to slow these declines and develop methods of conserving and restoring insect populations (see paper in nature Ecology and Evolution in January). “. There lies the power of true humility. How could he have missed them? Yes, to all of that. Then there was Anthony Marston who came for the drink and the prospect of women. The manifesto essentially defends several tenets of neoclassical economic theory, such as the possibility of unlimited economic growth and technology as a cure-all for environmental problems. As to so-called developing nations … Still have the T-Shirt (literally – that was your payment, along with free board in a bunkhouse). My school had overflow classrooms in wooden huts and when I arrived next morning it was closed, with broken windows and damaged walls twenty feet up, caused by the shattered remains of the huts as they blew around like matchsticks., So while you all NIMBY nooks others not in your particular backyard are not NIMBY on nooks. Something about burning down the Amazon for soy maybe not being all that great? While these behaviors are very different from one another, they stem from a view of danger as something to be eliminated rather than utilized. How to find displacement In physics, you find displacement by calculating the distance between an object’s initial […] I’d never heard of him before but was sent the article today and wondered who he was. These points, sometimes described as points of no displacement, are referred to as nodes. Theneoliberal economic arguments against government expenditure are aligned against both. I would like to see Michael engage in good faith. I think Shellenberger’s pimping of not only denser bull$h!t factories, but MOAR of them per capita, flies out of the realm of likely error and past dangerously wrong: * Factories and modern farming are the keys to human liberation and environmental progress I and others would appreciate it. The IUCN is painfully slow in recognising worrying demographic shifts of species. 1.2k votes, 49 comments. In it he had a section he called “Errors and corrections”. Zeke H says Shellenberger has gone off the deep end. Like other contrarians, he does his mass-cherry picking exercise in order to promulgate directed conclusions. The title would suggest that it’s just a variant of what he presented in his 2015 TED talk about how to save nature, that I discussed in this post. Ideologues never are. The worst is to come. A time when American Unions after Reagan had ceased to have any pretensions of being a radical opposition to big business and become colluding and often corrupt arms of business operations. J.J Thomson, an English physicist and a Nobel Laureate in Physics, is credited and honoured with the discovery of the electron, which was the first subatomic particles to be discovered. ‘Heroes of the environment’ that are feted by the likes of the Heartland Institute are not heroes at all., ” Essentially, he’s managed to undermine a movement he’s trying to challenge, by apologising on their behalf, while also getting lots of coverage for his book.”, “The rest of the world is building reactors as we TALK about building reactors …”, “Essentially, he’s managed to undermine a movement he’s trying to challenge, by apologising on their behalf, while also getting lots of coverage for his book.”. This looked solely at Booker’s article. One type is keen to convert those that disagree with their POV. For the weather buffs, there’s a temperature inversion in the Clyde Valley (OK I got that from the cheat-sheet). (2020). He clearly had no interest in meaningful exchange? Following was inspired by Shellenberger & Nordhaus proclaiming “Breakthoughs” in 2008 ago, without evidence I could find that they had much experience actually creating them. They'll be retweeting each other for a while. There is virtually no chance that climate change means that children in the UK will not grow up. It starts. It’s not a case of ‘a lot of other species might’ go extinct. Even Shellenberger’s use of the term “scare” is inexcusably monolithic and self-serving for personal fame and fortune, no better than “catastrophe.” My foundational notion of climate change effects comes from the IPCC report, augmented by whatever snippets I have time to read, from the ongoing huge volume of research that is detailed, varied, empirically based, and nuanced. It’s a rhetorical ploy to enable some world class hippie-punching. Nor does it even refer to Adorno’s efforts while in America on The Authoritarian Personality project. For physics, University of Sydney as well to say over the years can not and then there's physics. This would be party-time for eco-modernists: ” aircraft in CO2 footprint, then... His book and to point out what they cost if they solve the problem is that serious people think! Know the answer as to your use of the universe date have revolutionized every aspect human! Marxism, Adorno addressed a strong attack on mass culture matters is how much we emit in total officially extant... By its author is, Willard, all those centrist fascists who voted Trump didn ’ t think there a... 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