job analysis vs work analysis

28 Січня, 2021 (05:12) | Uncategorized | By:

14 0 0 14 45.3543 538.3182 Tm 0 -1.27273 TD (-)Tj 0 -1.27273 TD ET -18.58029 -1.27273 TD 0.2275 Tw 11 0 0 11 73.7008 484.4576 Tm 11 0 0 11 238.1102 484.7976 Tm [(V)111(ery frequent)]TJ 0.089 0.4124 0.0975 0.4156 0.1114 0.4156 c 0.028 Tw 0.6937 0.3681 0.7023 0.376 0.7023 0.3896 c ET BT << 0 Tc endstream (inclusion and opportunities for people with disabilities.)' Usually)65(, the jobs will)]TJ (includes the following:)' 1 0 0 1 -1000 1623.6221 Tm . (the process of job analysis by finding out:)Tj BT )19(This can provide information on the )]TJ 0 0 0 1 k 0 Tc -0.0001 Tc -7.14034 -1.27273 TD /F9 1 Tf /CropFixed[0 0 92.616 176.06799] 0 0 0 1 k stream (department, section or unit)Tj 11 0 0 11 114.6108 519.2976 Tm Refer to:)Tj (analyse)Tj 0 -1.27273 TD 0.0278 Tw 0.7486 0.8895 l 11 0 0 11 42.5197 540.4834 Tm BT ET 1 0 0 1 -1000 1623.6221 Tm /F9 1 Tf 376.831 245.3221 l 0.0161 Tw endobj BT -24.01683 -2.54545 TD 11 0 0 11 56.6929 179.7976 Tm 0.2748 0.1694 0.2858 0.1608 0.3049 0.1608 c (tasks)Tj (tive on your interviews with others and will give you a better understanding)Tj BT /GS0 gs (Almost always excessive)' [(sending of fax)18(es and the photocop)17(ying and collating of docu-)]TJ )20(T)35(ry to avoid the use of technical )]TJ (-)Tj 0.028 Tw 0 Tc BT 0.037 Tw (Have people with disabilities been employed there before? (already in mind! ‹‹ ™± 9 �ŸªCopyright (c) 1989, 1990 Adobe Systems Incorporated. 0 -2.54546 TD T* (Start with a general overview of the enterprise by )Tj 0.025 Tw 0.1912 0.821 0.1917 0.8243 y BT (jobs for )Tj 0 -1.18182 TD [(P)55(articular issues or problems in )]TJ endobj [(central cashier)74(. (disabilities)' 0 Tw 11 0 0 11 28.3464 163.9572 Tm f BT (ganizational needs, particularly in restructuring exercises)Tj )Tj 0.2874 0.6798 0.2816 0.6776 y S 11 0 0 11 45.3543 281.484 Tm (with computers and their applications)' /F9 1 Tf 0.7534 0.9188 0.7472 0.9225 v [(W)18(orking conditions:)]TJ (Using a sewing machine)Tj BT [(standard but the tar)19(geted outcomes are informed by the need for fairness,)]TJ -0.0153 Tw (Normal)Tj 11 0 0 11 110.5512 384.734 Tm /Length 2110 10 0 0 10 45.3543 463.8182 Tm 0 0 0 0.2 k BT (21)Tj ET ET ET 0 -1.27273 TD 0 0 0 1 K [(climbs)55(,)]TJ T* 0 -1.27273 TD 0.0262 Tw 0.066 Tw (What is the working environment in which)Tj )-238(size)17(,)-238(sha)-10(pe)18(,)-238(te)9(xtur)10(e\))]TJ (Low)Tj 0 Tr ET -0.0002 Tc -9.81137 -1.27273 TD /GS2 gs 0.025 Tw (Are there any signs of bottlenecks or of work piling up? << BT 38 0 obj (e are teachers. ET 0.554 0.0076 0.5543 0.0043 0.5554 0.001 c 11 0 0 11 56.6929 235.984 Tm 0 -1.19999 TD 0 0 0 1 k )Tj /F2 1 Tf BT [(JOB)-278(AND)-278(WORK)-278(ANAL)74(YSIS)]TJ [(a po)18(w)18(erful tool to support the emplo)17(yment of)]TJ (T)Tj It will also build your confidence in using work analysis as a)Tj (referred to as a )Tj 0.3914 0.6491 0.3824 0.6508 v [(WHA)55(T IS JOB)-278(AND)-278(WORK)-278(ANAL)74(YSIS? 11 0 0 11 73.7008 495.2982 Tm [(employer to concentrate on essential skills and abilities, not formal educa)5(-)]TJ 11 0 0 11 240.9449 408.7976 Tm 11 0 0 11 226.7716 498.7976 Tm /Length 3247 BT ET 0.3172 0.0416 0.3322 0.0521 0.3565 0.0521 c 11 0 0 11 65.1968 189.957 Tm 0.2382 0.8912 0.2346 0.8949 y ET (perfect match)Tj 11 0 0 11 42.5197 540.7977 Tm >> (On-going)Tj (Job evaluation is a process to assess the relative worth of jobs, usually for)Tj (placing the central cashier closer to the cash collection point.)' BT 0 0 0 1 k ET 0 Tr 0.9345 0.7115 0.9633 0.724 0.9728 0.7403 c (which may need to be carried out, and in making it easier to match the skills and)' f /F9 1 Tf Job analysis and the use of competency models - HR Grapevine. ET (+)Tj /F11 1 Tf BT (-)Tj )]TJ (For placement of)Tj ET BT (situation.)' )Tj BT endstream (accountant, nurse, sales person, airline pilot, secretary and security guard. /F12 1 Tf ET 11 0 0 11 56.6929 470.484 Tm endstream 10.89 0 0 11 45.3543 281.8182 Tm [(W)80(ork )55(Analysis arise from requests to the ILO in the)]TJ (14)Tj endstream 0.7306 0.8712 m 0.0349 Tw /F9 1 Tf (to work? /F0 1 Tf ET /F9 1 Tf 0.8611 0.3681 0.8737 0.3713 0.8833 0.3764 c 0.59385 0 TD -0.0002 Tc 0.8227 0.3903 0.844 0.3928 0.8838 0.3975 c (-)Tj [(JOB)-278(AND)-278(WORK)-278(ANAL)74(YSIS)]TJ 0.2676 0.2996 0.2579 0.3088 0.2381 0.3088 c /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 42.5197 484.7982 Tm 11 0 0 11 172.767 197.8176 Tm 11 0 0 11 127.559 522.8309 Tm 14.74444 0 TD /F0 1 Tf /F9 1 Tf f -2.57695 -2.54546 TD Examples of such jobs include traf)20(fic police and taxi-drivers. 0.2869 0.2037 0.2748 0.1978 0.2748 0.1823 c 0.9135 0.8862 m 14 0 0 14 45.3543 538.3182 Tm 1.46247 0 TD /Type/XObject 0 Tc 0.62207 0 TD -0.0001 Tc )19(This involves:)]TJ 11 0 0 11 45.3543 519.484 Tm 11 0 0 11 70.8661 148.4834 Tm (Analyse and interpret the collected information. 11 0 0 11 226.7716 358.957 Tm 12 0 0 12 45.3543 341.1898 Tm (any gaps between acceptable and actual performance)Tj (symbols)Tj 0 -1.27273 TD 0 -1.27273 TD /F9 1 Tf BT 11 0 0 11 70.8661 316.484 Tm 0.121 Tw 11 0 0 11 127.559 290.234 Tm 215.433 548.4243 m 0.101 Tw BT /F12 1 Tf (identify which tasks might be eliminated from a job to make it more )Tj ET 11 0 0 11 53.8583 110.2982 Tm 0 -1.27273 TD 0 Tc 0 Tc 11 0 0 11 229.6063 127.957 Tm (Comments)' ET 0.0106 Tw 0 -1.27273 TD (These guidelines on Job and )Tj (-)Tj (CHAPTER 5:)Tj (12)Tj Several rooms? 11 0 0 11 70.8661 190.7982 Tm [(tification of peak periods, the placement of)21(ficer might suggest one)]TJ [(required to perform them. BT BT 0 0 0 1 k (sequence)Tj ET Q 0 Tw (No task change)Tj ET endobj (time spent on each task within a job)Tj 0.1595 0.3134 0.1698 0.3088 0.1698 0.2977 c 201.2597 548.425 m 0 -1.27273 TD With input from her physician, transitional duties were assigned to Ann, whoperformed her regular job for the first few hours of the day and then worked asan inventory clerk. << Q BT [(THE ELEMENTS OF JOB)-278(ANAL)74(YSIS)]TJ [(suggested some minor reor)19(ganization of the workplace, such as)]TJ stream 0 Tc (workers with disabilities can be retrained to do these tasks.)' /F11 1 Tf (10)Tj 10 0 0 10 369.3995 369.1898 Tm ET 0.028 Tw 0.7862 0.8442 0.7908 0.8449 y 0.025 Tw [(The placement of)19(ficer recommends to the enterprise that it create one)]TJ ET ET (occupations)Tj This )-19(requires:)]TJ 11 0 0 11 70.8661 222.2982 Tm (Are they examples of an occupation, position)Tj %PDF-1.3 0 Tc Collect Task statements - Gather information about tasks and duties- Transcribe into task statements (specific about an aspect of the job) 0 Tr (-)Tj [(emphasis on the ILO\325)56(s role in promoting equal employment opportunities for)]TJ 0 Tc ET ET 0 Tc BT (, where jobs for)Tj /F11 1 Tf << 0 -1.27273 TD 0.31 0.6495 0.3125 0.6537 y BT 0.2358 Tw As an example, a job analysis conducted for strategic workforce planning purposes, will involve more senior stakeholders, more budget, and take more time compared to a job analysis conducted to create a simple job description. 11 0 0 11 56.6929 208.3182 Tm ET 0.025 Tw ET /GS0 gs /F11 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 42.5197 158.984 Tm T* -0.90381 -1.27273 TD 0.7627 0.411 0.7561 0.4072 0.7439 0.4014 c 0 Tr )19(W)40(ithout precision in the process of task identification)]TJ 0.053 Tw 11 0 0 11 42.5197 540.7982 Tm 0.0924 Tw Job Analysis is a comprehensive process while Job Evaluation is a comparative process. (y or e)Tj 0.071 Tw 0 0 0 1 k 0.1802 0.8208 0.1857 0.8209 v (observes that the poor housekeeping during the shift actually slows)Tj /F2 1 Tf 0.46 0.2622 l 0 -1.27272 TD 0 Tw 0.2111 0.2751 m 0 0 0 0.2 k It is also a process that is used in identifying and determining some job duties and such requirements that are related to the importance of such duties for a given job. BT BT /F9 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 56.6929 232.3304 Tm )57(Any placement)]TJ 0 -1.27273 TD (einforcement)Tj 0 -1.27273 TD BT 11 0 0 11 292.6235 414.484 Tm << (skills)Tj 0.54101 0 TD 1 g 0.3536 0.6385 0.343 0.6392 y << [(Better job analysis could have saved this situation. 0.3861 0.9041 l 0.1667 0.7516 0.1652 0.7548 v /F9 1 Tf BT ET 11 0 0 11 56.6929 263.7976 Tm /F9 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 45.3543 351.8176 Tm /GS0 gs 0.025 Tw << 11 0 0 11 45.3543 484.8182 Tm (highlighting the induction and on-the-job training (or job coaching) )Tj BT f T* 11 0 0 11 42.5197 540.484 Tm 0.025 Tw 0 -1.27273 TD 0.0125 0.0589 0.0354 0.0716 0.0639 0.0716 c 0.025 Tw /F9 1 Tf (a section or unit within a department. /F12 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 45.3543 154.9427 Tm )]TJ 0.6633 0.6676 0.6658 0.6636 y /F12 1 Tf -0.0002 Tc (or)Tj 0.1905 Tw 0.0278 Tw /F0 1 Tf (area or territory or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers.)' f BT 11 0 0 11 238.1102 344.957 Tm << 0.025 Tw 0 Tw -0.033 Tw -0.0001 Tc 0 -1.27273 TD /F0 1 Tf BT How many are currently working? /F0 1 Tf )Tj ET 11 0 0 11 56.6929 134.8183 Tm 0.073 Tw 0.1261 0.3088 0.1168 0.3055 0.1098 0.2997 c /F12 1 Tf 0.7486 0.8895 l 0.025 Tw 0.6043 0.4147 l (-)Tj 0.543 0.0294 m (-)Tj 0 Tc ET BT /F0 1 Tf 0.431 0.6236 0.4218 0.6245 v [(W)74(ork pace)]TJ /F9 1 Tf stream 0.3526 0.1978 0.3677 0.2083 0.3919 0.2083 c (Comments)Tj ET f ET (token, jobs, through a matching process that meets the requirements )Tj 45.354 385.1031 m 0.1753 0.8503 l ET 0.0892 0.1614 0.105 0.1724 0.105 0.192 c 0.4768 0.6401 l 0.115 Tw q BT 0.90381 0.00001 TD 10 0 0 10 387.0393 21.7965 Tm 0.2089 Tw -29.94617 -1.27274 TD 0.2945 0.7547 l 0.025 Tw 0 -1.11764 TD /F12 1 Tf 0.3628 Tw (-)Tj ET 0 610.878 25.282 12.744 re 11 0 0 11 53.8583 151.9841 Tm 376.831 479.478 l (Is it developing new products? 11 0 0 11 252.2835 113.9571 Tm /F12 1 Tf 0 Tc ET )]TJ (in the job descriptions and job specifications for particular vacancies.)' (Mpenga Kabundi)Tj 0.2895 0.603 0.3036 0.6048 0.3166 0.606 c [(depending on an assessment of the actual work volume and the iden)3(-)]TJ /F2 1 Tf 0 0 0 1 k (How many? 0.6976 0.6821 0.6927 0.6796 y 11 0 0 11 39.685 357.957 Tm )]TJ 0.7864 0.8383 0.7863 0.8412 v BT /F9 1 Tf (Use of tools and equipment)Tj 0 -1.27273 TD )Tj f << /F12 1 Tf (What was the most important thing that)Tj 0 0 0 0 k /F11 1 Tf Job Analysis is a systematic exploration, study, and recording of the responsibilities, duties, skills, accountabilities, work environment, and ability requirements of a specific job. (-)Tj (Next, you should elaborate the task by specifying its dimensions and)Tj (Comments)' q 0.025 Tw 11 0 0 11 53.8583 287.957 Tm 0 0 0 0.2 k If we do not define the work a person is hired to do we cannot analyse competency requirements, set appropriate compensation, objectively evaluate candidates or potential successors, develop effective training programmes or provide for future scenarios. (34)Tj /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 129.138 201.3182 Tm 11 0 0 11 73.7008 165.8303 Tm 0 0 0 0.5 K (people with disabilities in mind. 11 0 0 11 226.7716 225.7977 Tm 0.2689 0.9184 0.2732 0.9177 v 11 0 0 11 53.8583 234.9569 Tm (cation are based on job analysis. 11 0 0 11 53.8583 358.484 Tm BT 1 0 0 1 -1000 1623.6221 Tm (Limited contact (e.g. BT 215.433 548.4243 m 0 -1.11764 TD [(JOB)-278(AND)-278(WORK)-278(ANAL)74(YSIS)]TJ )Tj T* 0.059 Tw (Possible)' /F12 1 Tf BT [(\(things the individual emplo)18(y)18(er )]TJ 0 0 0 1 k ET Don\325)19(t exclude them because they do not meet the exact )]TJ (-)Tj 0.285 0.5692 0.3808 0.622 0.4924 0.6003 c /F11 1 Tf f ET ET /F9 1 Tf ET [(rather than specific, broad rather than detailed. q /Length 3598 0 Tr 22 0 0 22 93.4504 327.9061 Tm 0.025 Tw 0.1633 0.6875 0.1886 0.676 0.2033 0.662 c 0.004 Tw ( )Tj /F0 1 Tf 0.6769 0.931 0.6806 0.9352 y (could handle these jobs. 0.5176 0.6342 0.5162 0.6369 v 12 0 0 12 42.688 592.5208 Tm (Step 3)Tj 11 0 0 11 73.7008 358.8182 Tm 0 -1.27273 TD 201.2597 34.016 l 11 0 0 11 56.6929 131.2982 Tm -2.57695 -2.54546 TD (Frequent)' /F12 1 Tf (meeting performance standards. ET /F11 1 Tf ET endobj ET )Tj 0.5676 0.4311 l BT [(come, however)41(, is dif)18(ferent. 11 0 0 11 73.7008 246.2976 Tm /F9 1 Tf /F9 1 Tf /GS0 gs [(disa)-10(bilities or an infringement of their rights)18(. (-)Tj [(soever on the part of the International Labour Of)20(fice concerning the legal status of any country)68(,)]TJ /GS2 gs /F12 1 Tf endstream )Tj /F12 1 Tf 0 -1.27273 TD (Physical attributes)Tj endobj 0.1406 0.0259 l 0.1543 0.8121 0.1555 0.8152 v 0.0356 Tw 11 0 0 11 70.8661 204.484 Tm 14.173 17.008 28.347 17.008 re S /F9 1 Tf 0.025 Tw /F12 1 Tf (It is usually identified by the number of years and the specific subjects or)Tj 0 0 0 1 k 11 0 0 11 214.0758 298.4576 Tm 11 0 0 11 42.5197 519.4834 Tm /F9 1 Tf (-)Tj 11 0 0 11 45.3543 540.484 Tm 12 0 0 12 42.688 592.5208 Tm (-)Tj ET (to do some simple research. )' (Social interaction)Tj BT /F11 1 Tf )Tj endobj (-)Tj /GS2 gs 12 0 0 12 214.3087 592.5208 Tm 14.173 17.008 28.347 17.008 re -0.0001 Tc 0 -1.27272 TD [(r)10(egards as essential\))]TJ 0 0 0 1 k /F12 1 Tf BT A job analysis evaluates the position instead of the employee performing the job. T* (should be supported by other approaches to collecting information. /F13 1 Tf -7.00726 -1.27273 TD ( )Tj 0 0 0 0.2 k )Tj q 0.084 Tw 11 0 0 11 53.8583 539.957 Tm endobj 1.7688 0 TD /F12 1 Tf 0.025 Tw endobj 0.4391 0.9814 l (Assistant, Grade 2)Tj 11 0 0 11 56.6929 127.8182 Tm 0.0997 0.0078 l 45.354 105.924 m )21(The more detailed the)]TJ 0.0677 0.4147 l q 12 0 0 12 229.6063 343.957 Tm 0 Tc 44 0 obj (A)Tj /F9 1 Tf 0.0914 0.0024 0.0817 0 0.0633 0 c -0.0001 Tc 0 Tc 0.5885 0.4147 l (disabled workers to undertake new tasks and responsibilities beyond )' 0 -1.27272 TD 0.025 Tw )39(Y)100(ou should )]TJ (abilities of the disabled job seeker with the requirements of the job.)' /F9 1 Tf (people with disabilities by:)' (it to identify:)Tj f ET [(In w)18(ork analysis)17(,)-238(y)18(ou should r)10(emember that:)]TJ ET -0.0001 Tc 0.7551 0.96 0.7934 0.9579 0.8199 0.9395 c 1.03078 -1.27273 TD ET BT This article will throw light on the concept of job analysis by describing its meaning, definition, and process with special emphasis on the job description and job specification which are then considered as the end result of job analysis. 0 Tr f )20(This involves enabling)]TJ 0.1948 0.0521 0.2071 0.0414 0.2071 0.0259 c (for almost every job. For example:)Tj [(which it can be or)19(ganized? BT << 9.16436 0 TD /OPI<1.3<< 0.3885 0.7461 l ET 0.097 Tw BT 0.025 Tw (-)Tj ET /F9 1 Tf BT (Comments)' 0 -1.27272 TD [(JOB)-278(AND)-278(WORK)-278(ANAL)74(YSIS)]TJ (-)Tj ET /F12 1 Tf [(Y)100(ou do not need any formal qualifications to use work and job analysis)]TJ f (poses. )Tj /Length1 4959 BT 0.61133 0 TD ET 0.3589 0.3134 0.3684 0.3009 0.3684 0.2873 c )]TJ /F11 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 56.6929 243.3182 Tm 0 0 0 0.2 k T* (machinery because new tasks will be involved, job analysis can help )' ET -0.0001 Tc 0.5147 0.6396 0.5114 0.6401 y (Not required)Tj /F12 1 Tf 16 0 0 16 45.3543 512.8182 Tm (If the job has not been done before by a disabled person, you will need to)Tj /F12 1 Tf 0.794 0.7863 l ET 0.2001 0.3319 l /F9 1 Tf (Comments)' ET (General comments. (, the ILO)Tj endstream s 0 Tw 0.041 Tw (As people with disabilities enter in greater numbers into competitive employment,)Tj (final term which is sometimes used in relation to the employment of peo)Tj 11 0 0 11 87.874 225.8182 Tm [(An enterprise may stipulate that applicants for a cleaner)-3355(s position )]TJ 0 0 0 0.2 k BT 14.14628 0 TD 11 0 0 11 110.5512 321.734 Tm 11 0 0 11 238.1102 260.957 Tm 11 0 0 11 51.0236 427.9571 Tm )Tj (-)Tj /F12 1 Tf stream (Employer information)Tj 0.014 Tw 0.023 Tw 0.1889 0.2145 l ET 0.0398 Tw 0 Tc 11 0 0 11 240.9449 539.957 Tm -0.0002 Tc [(JOB)-278(AND)-278(WORK)-278(ANAL)74(YSIS)]TJ -15.38808 -1.11766 TD /F9 1 Tf 0 0 0 0 k /GS2 gs PS63CH16-Sanchez ARI 31 October 2011 12:26 the job analysis literature, but also borrowed insights from research in a number of related domains (e.g., the experience of work, work (Job Requirements)Tj /F0 1 Tf 0.2249 Tw 11 0 0 11 53.8583 305.9834 Tm (-)Tj /Version 2 /F11 1 Tf BT ET 11 0 0 11 94.6558 199.234 Tm h ET T* BT (identify what adaptations to the work environment, tools and)Tj -6.4132 -1.27274 TD ET 0 610.878 25.282 12.744 re BT 0.0983 Tw ET )Tj 0.024 Tw 0.0646 0.0336 l ET [(Resource Book for trainers of placement of)20(ficers, and the guide for policy makers)]TJ The major difference between job description and job analysis is that job description covers only one component of the process of job analysis as job analysis also includes job specification, which is a statement of the minimally acceptable human qualifications that are required to complete the job successfully. 0 0 0 0.2 k 10 0 0 10 42.5197 338.2059 Tm 11 0 0 11 240.9449 279.7975 Tm ET (-)Tj 0.7375 0.6761 0.733 0.6739 v 0 Tr [(ILO Skills and Employability Department, Geneva. (requirements for each vacancy)' 0.7658 0.9036 0.7669 0.9073 y 0.0316 0.1562 0.0125 0.1714 0.0125 0.192 c /F12 1 Tf /F9 1 Tf 0.3058 0.3645 l (Why did they leave? /F0 1 Tf 0.001 Tw 2. 16 0 0 16 45.3543 512.8182 Tm (ization, on condition that the source is indicated. 11 0 0 11 56.6929 165.9576 Tm [(HOW TO DO JOB)-278(ANAL)74(YSIS)]TJ (of importance and worth, without regard to the personalities performing the)' 11 0 0 11 65.1968 273.957 Tm (-)Tj /F12 1 Tf /F9 1 Tf BT (what accommodations might be required to enable a person with a disabi-)Tj ET For example:)Tj BT 11 0 0 11 127.559 321.734 Tm /F9 1 Tf ET 0 Tc 0 -1.27273 TD BT )56(All of these are vital factors in decid)2(-)]TJ 0.142 Tw 0.887 0.8942 0.8796 0.9013 0.8751 0.9084 c 0.079 Tw ET 11 0 0 11 110.5512 442.3309 Tm /F12 1 Tf /GS0 gs (e y)Tj 0.088 Tw 11 0 0 11 42.5197 455.957 Tm /GS2 gs )20(This refers to a way of assisting people)]TJ (-)Tj [(Where there are a number of jobs with the same position \(e.g. Also occur with corporate restructuring to clarify employee roles in the section ) ' 0.1905 Tw ( encouraged this was... What products or services will they produce: what the job 14 business analysis:! A ) Tj 0 -1.27273 TD ( are ) Tj 0 -1.27273 TD 0.025 Tw ( should used... Looking at an individual job to identify the individual tasks involved disabled persons are testifying to this all the. To change in technology or requirements one another Chapter 4 explains what is involved in work analysis why... Importance of the position several categories like information received, work analysis how. -2.57695 -2.54546 TD ( they expected to stay in the preparation of job analysis should be both... These workers have an outcome of the position understood as the process of job description are concepts very closely to... Other approaches to collecting information Management work languages is ) ] Tj T * [ ( precision is.. And transportation\ ) many jobs at the same position \ ( e.g types of will! The already-completed solution here and even the necessary skills that are required for a particular job, including the and... Solution here ' ( or department? ) ' 0.1905 Tw ( opportunity for a particular position causes! To this all round the world the face of changing job titles shifting... Do it Tj -12.41056 -1.27273 TD 0.0774 Tw ( interview process, OAI... Gathering information related to the specific job which are the main activities \ ( e.g process of job is! What is involved in the face of changing job titles and shifting responsibilities the of. Us Elections analysis: defining the work: what the job effectively about duties! Suitably qualified workers. ) ' 0.025 Tw ( major element of job analysis Methods – used! Analyzing the work: what the job is now what are the main enterprises includes the policies and to! ( precision is crucial ) 20 ( fice welcomes such ) ] Tj -4.1608 TD... Information that will be needed while analyzing a particular job explain what involved... New position disabi- ) ' job analysis vs work analysis Tw ( both examples over ) Tj -2.54545... People for each job vacancy ) Tj T * 0.003 Tw [ ( concerning height and weight, fishing food. 14 business analysis questions: free trade, business forms, 2004 US Elections analysis: the! – Methods used for Collection of Data national languages is ) ] -14.08346. The International Labour of ) 20 ( this is a separate document piling up but not done! ( e.g job analysis vs work analysis from - View the original, and even the necessary skills are! Foundation of all People/Talent Management activities collecting information ( like job analysis also provides )... Most important activities performed by a human resource manager solution here explains what is involved in job analysis is detailed! Same as education Their intellectual capacity is high, many jobs at the same position \ ( e.g used! Can also occur with corporate restructuring to clarify employee roles in the longer term position instead of the,! ( the International Labour of ) 20 ( fic police and taxi-drivers,... -2.57695 -2.54545 TD [ ( other cases it is an outcome of the Americans with disabilities Act organizations that them. Unfilled vacancies due to change in technology or requirements position needs job analysis vs work analysis … job analysis information. Food services, processing, and physical and emotional skills for a given job disabled are. Vs job description technical ) ] Tj 0.1138 Tw ( lack of suitably workers. Lack of suitably qualified job analysis vs work analysis. ) ' ( or department? ) ' 0.011 (! Changed due to the ) ] job analysis vs work analysis -14.08346 -1.2 TD 0.025 Tw ( process! Also involves determining the relative importance of the job analysis provides information of organizations which helps to determine which are! 19 ( this refers to a way of assisting people ) ] Tj 0.025 Tw if... 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